Thursday, 5 July 2012


Hope Your summer is going just great, and hopefully you read this before going on a vacation!! Planning on taking your laptop , in the hope of using the free wi-fi your hotel is not likely to provide? Well this is the post you want to read. There are basically 2 ways by which you can access a paid WiFi. The first is by paying them up , and using the it for the limited time, OR you can follow the following steps. USE MAC SPOOFING: Sitting in a coffee shop and have a time limit of just 30 minutes for free Wi-fi? Well using MAC address SPOOFING you can , well sit as long as you want!  WHAT YOU NEED :  A respectable Laptop,...

Monday, 18 June 2012

Top Extensions For Google Chrome

If You have been smart enough to switch off troublesome browsers and switch to Google Chrome, Google Chrome Extensions are the best way to improve your Web experience. What are Chrome Extensions? Chrome Extensions are browser extensions that modify the Google Chrome browser.These extensions are written using web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Over 2,200 extensions have been published by developers, and are available on the Chrome Web Store. THE LIST 1.AdBlock:We start off the list to deal with perhaps one of the most annoying problems that we face while browsing-ADS. Adblock answers that problem.Whether it be Facebook, Hulu or even your latest mp3 download website, Adblock get rids of ALMOST all ads, creating a cleaner,...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Windows Tweaks

Sorry for our not so short absence from the cyberspace, The authors got tied up with a little too many things!Hopefully you will forgive us for this!!Any ways our first post for this summer is for all those tired Windows users who are not happy with the way windows 7 is working?We've got plenty of tips, hacks and secrets to keep you busy for a long time, including automatically opening Windows Explorer to a folder of your choice, speeding up taskbar thumbnails, finding hidden desktop themes, forcing User Account Control to act the way you'd like, keeping your Explorer searches secret from others, and more. Use hidden international...

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Your Customized Desktop!

Well .. , I am a huge fan of some dark awesome wall papers..and gizmo gadgets like the ones used in Iron Man! ...well that got me thinking and then I decided to have a little fun getting a new cool desktop customization app called the RainMeter! My Desktop So if you love the look of it, or if you want it for yourself, you just have to follow the following steps and make sure you dont miss any of them. STEP I:   Choose a good old theme for your desktop.Here it is Dark Gizmology( yup that is my own term guys and girls ) I chose this one ! Step II: Download The RocketDock from Punk Labs. Step III: Download the MAC OSX Carbon Theme...

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

10 Search engines to Explore the Invisbile Web !!

No, it’s not Spiderman’s latest web slinging tool but something that’s more real world. Like the World Wide Web.The Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines. Most of us think that that search powerhouses like Google and Bing are like the Great Oracle”¦they see everything. Unfortunately, they can’t because they aren’t divine at all; they are just web spiders who index pages by following one hyperlink after the other.But there are some places where a spider cannot enter. Take library databases which need a password for access. Or even pages that belong to private networks of organizations. Dynamically...

How Google Works!!

Hello guys...this would be my first blog post please don't be harsh while judging this article. Also I ask for both POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE feedback. Thanks. Google today is an integrated part of our life but have you ever wondered how it actually works. There are very few of us really know how it really works.So today this post is aiming at solving that QUERY which few would have GOOGLED: how does GOOGLE work? A background : In the past 2 years, Google has doubled their workforce  upgraded their its search engine to peed up results, and now answers more queries than Microsoft and Yahoo combined.!   ORIGIN: Some 14 years ago,...
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